(I have had to edit this posting as I wrote it after consuming a bottle of wine)
Feels like the years are passing very quickly, I still cannot work out why as one gets older times passes quickly-loads of theories have been expressed by some wise old sages, but time is a unit so I cannot understand this..............
A few rumblings about the past year, been a good one I think, with some top events being enjoyed!
Biggest downer was the HCR, poor maintenance resulting in nsf wheel bearing failure near Crossgates in the middle of Wales, inexcusable! Massive apologies to James Carruthers, he certainly did not wish to spend 4 hours sitting as a passenger in a recovery truck!
The event I enjoyed the most was certainly the Club's Autosolo at Bovingdon Aerodrome, so good to see 30 or so CT members enjoying their cars and all competing against each other and the clock. I did quite well until the rain came down in what must be described as biblical proportions, after that my times fell away. I could'nt cope and therefore got beaten by Mike Helm, Nigel Abdullah and Andy Martin-well done chaps.
For next year I am really looking forward to the event again to be held at Bovingdon again, Nigel Abdullah who will set out the tests, has promised to make them longer by exploiting the amount of runway that we will be given by the landlords of the aerodrome. The tests were a bit cramped foir the bigger cars, therefore the added space help to make the saloons more competitive and o course a little less work for the drivers!
Bovingdon is a weird place as it used to be a Bomber Command and 8th USAF Bomber base during WW2, it seems sad that it is better known these days as a weekend market venue, an incongruous useage-all cheap shit and junk food! The aerodrome has been used for as a venue for various films including '633 Squadron', 'The Battle of Britain' and 'Mosquito Squadron'.
Anyrate, I cannot wait for the CT A'solo on 19/07/10!
The 10CR was weird and in retrospect a great event, the highlight for me being the Le Mans stops and the strange one at Condom in France, one made very extraordinary as I run into an old mate of mine just after we left, one of only two people I know who live in France-this blew my mind! BTW Terry Wogan has a place in Condom! All in all great fun and massive thanks must go to Dave Kent for being good company and always willing to get stuck in when the bonnet needed to be opened, this happened alot as we had lots of dizzy problems!
Next year I look forward to more Autosolo events, Track Days, the HCR, the Stoneleigh show and of course the highlight, the RBRR.
Anyrate enough musings, I must wish all CT friends and members the best of luck and hope that 2010 is a good year-considering the amount of events that we can look forward I think that owning a Triumph and being a member of CT will mean a good a year can be looked forward to, I cannot wait to get out there and start having fun!
2009 was good, but I am certain that 2010 will be better-onwards and upwards!